

Time:2021.11.15 Author:本站



Date: 15-18 November

           Organizers: Messe Düsseldorf

Cycle: Once a year         

                       Venue: Dusseldorf Exhibition Centre



With more than 40 years of history, MEDICA is recognized as the world's largest medical trade fair covering virtually every aspect of the medical industry including outpatient clinic, emergency aid, clinical treatment, home/remote care, laboratory science, diagnostics and so on.


It has attracted reputable businesses and experts from around the world each year, and many achievements of research and development will also be presented through the forums during MEDICA 2021. More than 200 seminars, lectures, discussions and demonstrations are also held during the exhibition. It has become a platform for Chinese medical related enterprises to grasp the latest, most comprehensive and most authoritative world medical device market information.


The Int`l Trade Fair-Components, Parts and Raw Materials for Medical Manufacturing (ComPaMed) is held at the same time. It is committed to create the most complete supply chain of the medical device industry.

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